Here is a module on Festivities in the Uk and in the USA. Webquest activities.

We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, but we know what Black Friday is! Have a look at this activity to learn something more about the American festivity.

Remember Remember the 5th of November. Gunpowder Treason and Plot. We see no reason why Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot. Let’s find out what this rhyme means to British people. Webquest activity.

Webquest to learn something more about Halloween, the scariest night of the year.

Do you want to know something more about the American Elections? This is an easy worksheet about the constitutional qualifications to be an eligible candidate, the two main political parties and their candidates.

Fun facts about the US President. Do you wanna be the President, too? Find it out with a just – for – fun personality quiz at the end of the worksheet.

Here is a worksheet about one of the most iconic residence in the world.

FIRST OF ALL: Leggi il PDF di sintesi per le indicazioni del lavoro estivo. Qui troverai anche i link alle varie attività. Buona estate!!!

GRUPPO B: Summer activities to brush up your English

GRUPPO A + B: Schede di rinforzo delle abilità di Listening Reading Writing and Speaking delle basilari funzioni della Classe Prima

An – eight hour module on Pastimes and Sports. Integrated skills: Listening, Reading and Writing, Grammar: can, adverbs of manner and like love hate.

A six – hour module on listening, reading and writing about Recipes and Food Waste. Integrated grammar videolesson on the Imperative and exercises to practise.

An activity sheet on Food Waste: from a video to a text to improve reading and writing skills.

An activity sheet on listening and writing skills: from watching a video to writing a recipe.

A five – hour module about Food and Drinks: vocabulary and skills (reading, listening and writing). Grammar focus and practice on uncountable and countable nouns, some and any, how much and how many.

Here is an activity about a wonderful song by the Script. You can watch the video on YouTube.

Here is a prompt to speak about your favourite actor

Credits to Ms Silvestri

Countries and nationalities

Here is a file to revise the date in British and American English, cardinal and ordinal numbers. Credits to Ms Silvestri

Here is your English teacher… have a look.

Let’s start to get to know each other. Have a look at the activity below. Get ready to introduce yourself at school.
Here is some new vocabulary about school objects. In this video you’ll find more words than in our coursebook, so watch out!

What is your favourite food and drink? Play with the worksheet below.
Have you ever been to London? Watch this nice video and you’ll get an idea of how lovely this city is.
And if you want to watch this video about London, we are going to talk about it soon at school.

Do you like football? How much do you know about British football teams? Who are the Gunners? And if I say Red Devils? Read the file below.